로드 투 킹덤 이상형 월드컵

by Kerori



App Name: Road to Kingdom Ideal World CupLets choose the ideal type I like by watching it on TV.[Essential Access Rights]-Wi-Fi connection information: Check the network connection using the app[Optional access rights]-Camera: Photo or shoot to change the image-Photo / Media / File: Image cache, image creation file reading or saving● Selective access rights can be agreed upon when using related functions, and app services other than the corresponding functions are available even in case of non-agreement.● You can also change the setting in the phone “Settings> Application Management> District> App Permissions”.function• Ideal type World Cup 16 to 32 selection ~~• There is a comment function.• Provides a variety of ranking systems by series  -Daily ranking, weekly ranking, monthly ranking, annual ranking can be viewed.